Top 9 Online Forums or Communities For Connecting With Business Owners

As business owners, we know connecting and collaborating with other business owners is critical for success. Today, the fastest way to do that is by joining online business forums and communities.

But let’s face it — finding the perfect online forums and communities to meet like-minded entrepreneurs is not always easy.

A study by Harvard Business Review showed that entrepreneurs actively engaging in networking activities are likelier to experience remarkable business growth and gain access to new and exciting opportunities. 

That’s right; networking is a secret sauce!

That’s why we’ve taken the time to search and compile nine of the best online business communities you can take advantage of today to expand your network and grow your business.

top online communities

My CEO Tribe 

My CEO Tribe is an online community that brings together CEOs, founders, and business owners in a supportive and motivating environment. The community accommodate a wide diversity of people, especially Black, Asian and minority ethnicities. 

This community focuses on networking, mentorship, knowledge-sharing, and organising exclusive events. Members have the opportunity to connect, collaborate, and access valuable insights.

My CEO Tribe provides resources to high-level entrepreneurs to help them achieve success and improve their professional growth through meaningful relationships and beneficial interactions.

LinkedIn Groups 

LinkedIn is not new to any professional or business owner. It’s a social network for connecting with business owners worldwide. 

You can also benefit from LinkedIn Groups, a feature that allows you to connect with others and participate in conversations around specific interests. 

By joining relevant groups, you can broaden your knowledge, establish your expertise, and make valuable connections. Choosing groups that align with your interests and actively participating in discussions is vital to maximise this feature. 

Doing so can unlock networking opportunities and help you become an influential figure in your industry.

top business communities

Reddit r/Entrepreneur 

The r/Entrepreneur subreddit is an online platform that connects entrepreneurs from different industries and experience levels. With thousands of active users, this platform offers valuable insights and perspectives on various entrepreneurship-related topics. 

Members can seek advice, share experiences, and celebrate achievements in an inclusive and supportive environment. However, verifying information and critically evaluating advice is vital before making business decisions. 

The community aims to foster connections, knowledge sharing, and support to help entrepreneurs succeed.

Small Business Forum

The Small Business Forum is an online community that assists small business owners and startups. It provides a platform for discussing various business-related topics, including marketing, finance, and human resources. 

Members can gain insight from the experiences of others by actively participating in discussions, creating connections, and expanding their professional network. 

Additionally, the forum arranges events, webinars, and conferences to offer opportunities for learning and networking. Maximising the community’s benefits by contributing and interacting with fellow members is essential.

top business communities

Warrior Forum

The Warrior Forum is a dynamic community for individuals involved in internet marketing and business ownership. It provides a diverse array of discussions covering subjects like SEO and social media marketing while also giving members a chance to learn from experts in the industry. 

This forum’s sense of community makes it particularly special, with seasoned entrepreneurs sharing their expertise and enthusiasm to help others succeed. 

Also included is a marketplace where members can purchase and sell products and services related to online business. Engaging actively, providing valuable insights, and adhering to community guidelines are essential to benefit from this platform fully.

Quora Business

Professionals, entrepreneurs, and business enthusiasts can discuss business topics in Quora Business. It’s a vast platform with a diverse user base covering all business aspects. 

Joining the conversations on this platform allows you to gain valuable insights, enhance your professional reputation, and establish credibility. You can also expand your network and knowledge by following specific topics and sharing your expertise. 

Quora Business is a valuable resource for anyone looking to learn, connect, and share their expertise within the business community.


BiggerPockets is an instrumental online community for people interested in real estate investing and entrepreneurship. 

It provides a wealth of tailored resources, forums, and networking opportunities to help individuals learn more about the industry. 

The platform also includes a comprehensive information library, local meetups, and a marketplace where users can explore investment opportunities. To gain valuable knowledge and establish themselves as respected real estate community members, users must engage with the platform actively.

top business communities

StartupNation Community

The StartupNation Community platform welcomes entrepreneurs from all backgrounds. It provides various resources such as forums, articles, and podcasts to help entrepreneurs connect, learn, and expand their businesses. 

The platform focuses on networking and building connections by offering webinars, virtual conferences, and workshops. Actively participating in this community is essential for success since entrepreneurs can gain valuable insights and establish meaningful relationships with other members. 

In summary, the StartupNation Community is an excellent source of support and resources for entrepreneurs and small business owners.


Looking for a valuable platform to connect with like-minded individuals and gain insights into various business operations? Look no further than BizWarriors. This comprehensive and inclusive business forum covers startups, marketing, finance, and entrepreneurship. 

BizWarriors provides a distinctive chance to learn from others’ experiences through engaging discussions, valuable information exchanges, and a diverse user base. 

Plus, it offers valuable resources such as articles, guides, and tool recommendations to assist entrepreneurs in navigating the complexities of business ownership. 

Active engagement is vital to maximising your experience on BizWarriors. So, participate in discussions, contribute valuable insights, ask questions, and seek feedback.

There we have it. The next move is yours.

Why Join a Business Community?

Joining an online community like MyCEOtribe will help expand your network, allow you to learn from other’s experiences, and discover new business opportunities. 

By surrounding yourself with driven entrepreneurs and you fuel your drive to achieve tremendous success. Learn more about MyCEO Tribe and join our waitlist if you read this piece before our big launch.

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Connor3245 February 13, 2024
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