How to Grow Your Local Business Using Google My Business App
I remember vividly when I wanted to buy myself a pair of Naked Wolfe sneakers for an outing with my work colleagues. Knowing that the brand was rare to find and fake products could be anywhere, my first instinct was to go online. I mean, how else can I trust a seller? If I go to a seller’s offline shop, the only guarantee I have of the shoe’s quality is his/her words. However, if I go online, I can gauge quality using a variety of pointers: the seller’s words, social media engagement and,......

5 Reasons To Avoid Using GB Instagram To Promote Your Business
I think you and I can agree that Instagram is one social media app Nigerian small business owners can’t do without. If you doubt that, just pull out your Instagram feed page and scroll down. Keep scrolling and you will probably find a couple of posts from businesses before you hit the fifth scroll. Instagram is a gold mine for gaining followers for your small business and even making sales. However, a number of business owners are tempted to use an alternative version of Instagram called the “GB Instagram”. If you’re familiar with......

How To Use GB WhatsApp Latest Version For Marketing Your Business
When “GB WhatsApp” is mentioned, “shady texting” or the ability to read deleted messages might pop into your mind. The hype of GB WhatsApp was real back then and still is, in some form today. However, not everyone knows about GB WhatsApp latest version with features business owners marketing on WhatsApp can use. As a modified version of the regular WhatsApp, GB WhatsApp comes with extra sauce, offering customisation and advanced features that the regular app can’t match. If you haven’t been using it to turn your WhatsApp contacts into money printers, no......