How To Apply For SMEDAN Loan For Your Small Business
You may have heard of SMEDAN loan or just SMEDAN and know exactly what the agency does; but for the benefit of readers who don’t know, SMEDAN stands for Small and Medium Enterprise Development Agency of Nigeria. As the name implies, it’s a federal agency set up to champion the development of small and medium-scale businesses in Nigeria. It is charged with doing this through upskilling, funding, and the provision of tools MSMEs can leverage to grow their businesses. This article focuses on funding. If you run a small or medium-scale operation and......

9 Ways to Secure Business Funding When Required
Name one thing that gives business owners sleepless nights. I’ll wait Yep, you guessed it: raising funds! As a business owner, times may arise when raising funds for your business is required. For many entrepreneurs, this could be worse than dealing with difficult customers. And that’s not to say fundraising is super difficult (well, it is); it’s simply confusing and overwhelming if you don’t know what you’re doing. That’s why we wrote this article. There are countless funding options available to propel the arduous entrepreneur to new heights. Here they are; #1. Bootstrapping......