Top Social Networks To Connect With Investors And Business Owners

Social media and communities are crucial for entrepreneurs seeking investment opportunities and connecting with like-minded business owners. That’s why we highlighted nine communities for connecting with business owners earlier.

However, choosing the right platform for social networks can be very challenging. Understanding the top social media networks for connecting with investors and business owners is essential.

Imagine a world where your network spans continents and valuable insights and industry updates are just a click away. The potential of social media seems limitless, with over 5 billion users across the globe.

Social media bridges the gaps between entrepreneurs and their dreams, from the bustling streets of China and the vibrant markets of India to the tech-savvy communities of the US.

Did you know that women make up 63% of social media users? And the young guns, those aged 15-24, wield the magic of connectivity the most. With numbers like these, your potential network could grow beyond your wildest imagination.

In this piece, we’d explore the social platforms where business owners like you can link up with like-minds and investors.

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PartnerUp was a social networking platform to connect entrepreneurs, business owners, and potential business partners. It allowed users to create profiles, search for partners based on location and industry, and explore investment opportunities. However, PartnerUp’s popularity waned over time, and the platform eventually shut down in 2012.

Staying updated on new social media platforms and online communities for investors and business owners is crucial in today’s digital world.

LinkedIn, Twitter, and other platforms mentioned in the previous response are more widely recognised and commonly used for professional networking and connecting with individuals in the business and investment realms.


Vator, formerly known as, is an online platform focusing on entrepreneurship, innovation, and startups. It provides entrepreneurs with a platform to display their ideas, connect with potential investors, and access beneficial resources and insights.

Vator presents a combination of news, articles, videos, and a community where entrepreneurs can share their startup stories and seek funding opportunities. Additionally, the platform hosts events and competitions to showcase promising startups and connect them with investors.

Founder Grid 

As an entrepreneur, Founder Grid provides valuable resources such as handpicked articles and educational material. If you want to connect with investors or like-minded individuals, Founder Grid can be helpful.

However, it’s essential to evaluate their current relevance and level of engagement. Traditional platforms like LinkedIn are still reliable for professional networking.


While YouTube is primarily a platform for sharing videos, it can also be a tool for connecting with potential co-founders, investors or customers.

Although not explicitly created for this purpose, entrepreneurs and businesses can utilise YouTube to share their experiences, display their products or services, provide informative content, and exhibit their proficiency in their respective fields.

By generating engaging videos, businesses can attract the attention of potential investors and cultivate a devoted customer base.

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Images live on Pinterest! They say. Do you know what else lives on Pinterest? A chance to connect with business owners, especially those in the photography or videography business.

Pinterest is a social media platform emphasising visual content such as images and videos. It allows users to discover and curate content based on their interests. 

If you own a creative or visually-driven business, you can benefit from Pinterest by showcasing your products and telling your brand story to drive website traffic. 

Startups in specific niches may also find Pinterest helpful in reaching their target audience. Consistent, visually appealing, and valuable content is crucial to success on Pinterest.


If you don’t know TikTok, you might have lived off-grid for a while. TikTok is a widely-used social media platform that features short videos paired with music or audio snippets. And, no, it’s not just for teens and creators to flaunt about.

Businesses and startups also leverage TikTok to showcase their products, share their brand stories, raise brand awareness, engage with users, and try new and innovative marketing strategies. 

However, they should keep in mind TikTok’s young user base, content trends, authenticity, and the ability to measure their return on investment. 

TikTok presents exciting chances for imaginative and visually captivating startups to connect with a younger, tech-savvy audience.


WeChat is a versatile app that combines messaging, social media, and mobile payments, developed by Tencent in China. A widely-used social media platform with over one billion monthly active users is primarily utilised in China and other Asian nations.

WeChat offers various features, including messaging, voice and video calls, Moments (similar to Facebook’s timeline), official accounts for businesses and organisations, mini-programs (small applications within WeChat), and WeChat Pay for mobile payments.

If you want to connect with business owners, suppliers, customers or investors in the Chinese market, WeChat is an excellent platform to start.

Please keep in mind that accessing certain features may be limited outside of China, and there may be differences in the available features depending on your location.

VK (Vkontakte) 

VK, previously known as Vkontakte, is a social media site well-liked in Russia and other post-Soviet nations.

It is similar to Facebook and includes features such as user profiles, timelines, photo and video sharing, groups, pages for businesses and public figures, and private messaging. Learn more.

VK can be a valuable platform for businesses and investors who want to connect with audiences in Russia and nearby countries. It enables companies to create official pages, post updates, interact with followers, and run targeted advertising campaigns.

The effectiveness of WeChat and VK for connecting with investors and business owners in their respective base countries will depend on the specific target audience and market focus, as with any social media platform.

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Never mind the crises in Twitter house and the rise of Meta’s Threads, Twitter is still a valuable resource for businesses and investors who want to stay up-to-date with industry news, trends, and experts. 

Its search functionalities and hashtags make it effortless to discover relevant discussions and participate in chats to reach a broader audience.

Twitter also enables businesses to create compelling content and receive instant customer feedback, which helps foster strong relationships and stay informed about industry possibilities.

Also, Elon Musk is doubling down on converting Twitter to a much more integrated service for businesses, with a payment feature and a possible marketplace to be added.


Facebook is the world’s largest social media platform, with billions of users. Businesses can create dedicated pages to showcase their brand and connect with potential investors and partners. 

Facebook’s advertising capabilities allow companies to target specific audiences. While LinkedIn is more professional, having a strong Facebook presence can attract investors and build credibility. 

Twitter and Facebook have unique advantages for connecting with investors and business owners. Integrating these platforms into social media marketing can broaden your business reach and build meaningful relationships.


Meetup is a social network connecting people with shared interests to organise in-person events. It’s great for business owners and investors to network with others in their industry, attend industry-specific events, and even pitch ideas to potential investors.

This tool can also aid in establishing a strong local presence and making positive contributions to the community. To make the most of Meetup, being an active participant and engaging in meaningful conversations is essential.

You have the top social networks to build genuine business relationships that skyrocket your brands. Bear in mind that social media is addictive and can quickly turn into a distraction. We recommend you learn to use social media for your business without getting distracted

We hope this helps you put your foot on the throttle and grow your professional network. For a good friendship, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn or share this post to help people learn more.

Stay tuned to this page for more business nuggets like this, and watch out for our business education, financing and mentor-matching platforms launching soon.

We’ve also built a community of entrepreneurs who are either turning their passions into businesses or already building their empires. Click here on our waitlist to know when we will launch this.

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